On the anniversary of Boris S. Esenkin
Submitted by Гость (not verified) on Fri, 08/16/2024 - 18:08.
The article continues on the topic raised in the Part I. In the Part I, the model library user digital profile (DP) is introduced, and the options for its structuring and application are discussed. The following issues are examined: a) user digital profile structure with specifying the layers, namely, subject, object, domain, communications, – and b) layer function – identification, clusterization, filtration, or collaboration.
he article is prepared on the occasion of the 125th ann iversary of Yury Vladimirovich Grigoriev, prominent Russian librarian. The authors outline the circle of scientific and friendly contacts of the scientist based on the analysis of gift inscriptions on books in Grigoriev’s personal book collection, now preserved in the library collection of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin. The authors introduce new factual data about the scientist's personal book collection into scientific circulation.
The authors accomplished the study of the information needs of students, one of the components of the educational and cognitive tasks of the lifelong education system. The authors reviewed the theoretical and methodological foundations of the information needs of students; the main directions of information competence of future specialists were analyzed.
The problems of the book publishing in the languages of the peoples of Russia appeared to be pressing within the context of the national language policy of the Russian Federation. The market conditions in the contemporary book publishing business have negatively influenced this sector of the All-Russian publisher's repertory in many respects. The state publishing statistics evidences on this and enables to define the obvious leaders and outsiders among the concrete regions and languages: the Tatarian, Yakutian and Bashkirian, etc.
The author analyzes the approaches to structuring open access resources (OAR). The study is aimed at increasing the efficiency of library information user services through integrating OAR into the system of science and education information support. Within the research project “Design of the model of scientific library operation within the open science ecosystem”, over 200 heterogeneous OAR were examined to conclude on the efficiency of the libraries’ user information support with OAR.
In this publication, we examined the range of issues that the libraries face during the transfer of traditional collections into digital format, and provided examples of efficient technological solutions. Preserving scientific information in libraries is a complex task encompassing many factors, such as: media obsolescence, changes in device designs, software obsolescence and updates, format compatibility, data security and access to information.