The institutional repositories (IR) with the open access to research and educational collections play significant role in the open science infrastructure. The metadata provide IR content discoverability and repository effectiveness. The author analyzed 25 repositories of Russian educational organization to specify the metadata detail level and correctness. The educational organizations under the study are the members of “The Priority-2030” Program. It was found that the metadata comprised mainly the basic elements: title, publication data, document language and type while the data on co-authors, editors, research teams and sources are much more rare. The structural data, i.e. data on contents, formats, volume are often not included, too. Very rarely, the metadata comprise links, subject scope, and accessibility informationHowever, the metadata are important for information retrieval efficiency, search capabilities, search results refinement, sorting. The more elements the metadata comprise, the more details of repository objects are provided, the higher information discoverability is.