Lowbush blueberry ( Vaccinium angustifolium Ait. ) is one of the most promising berry crops for cultivation on acid soils in the European part of Russia, but additional testing of varieties and cultivars in the conditions of the Non-Chernozem zone regions is needed. The article presents the results of studies on the phenological and morphological features, evaluation of yield and winter hardiness of V. angustifolium plants of Russian selection ( cultivars Lakomka, Neya, Pomorochka, hybrid form NB-60-11 ) in the natural and climatic conditions of Moscow. As a result of overwintering of the plants in the winter period of 2023-2024 and the impact of recurrent late spring frosts in May 2024, there was no freezing of shoots and damage to flowers. Flowering of V. angustifolium plants in Moscow conditions was observed in mid-May – early June, and lasted for 16-20 days, fruiting was observed in mid-July – late August and lasted for 22-44 days. V. angustifolium plants of the Lakomka cultivar are characterized by the highest annual growth ( average 12.9 cm ) , yield indicators ( 97.14-182.12 g / bush ) and weight of one fruit ( average 1.41 g, maximum 2.55 g ) . The potential of V. angustifolium cultivars of Russian selection for further breeding work and industrial cultivation on unused lands is noted.