The role of information departments in innovative activity
Submitted by Гость (not verified) on Thu, 08/25/2022 - 13:08The foreign experience of patent and information service is analyzed. The perspectives of patent departments development in SPSTL SB RAS under the conditions of innovative activity in the region are considered.
Are library environment and library space synonymous? (Some problems of modern library terminology)
Submitted by Гость (not verified) on Thu, 08/25/2022 - 13:08The article describes main directions of the national library terminology development. The first one is an active use of foreign, mainly Anglo-American concepts and terms. Among the approaches to this issue stand out: introducing new terms, which are absent in the Russian language; using foreign terms to clarify existing Russian ones; replacing Russian words with foreign calques. The second direction is application of various science concepts and terms in the library science. Its characteristic feature is the reliance on theoretical philosophical ideas and concepts.
The electronic library model to support a «blended learning» system at Novosibirsk State University
Submitted by Гость (not verified) on Thu, 08/25/2022 - 13:08A technological approach for developing a digital library model to support the blended learning in Novosibirsk State University is considered in the article. The term «digital library» in this work is interpreted as an information management system of structured cataloged collections of interactive training and reference materials. The information system architecture, principles of integration with digital repository and rules of metadata representation and transformation are described.
On the question of the crisis of domestic library activity: is there light at the end of the tunnel?
Submitted by Гость (not verified) on Thu, 08/25/2022 - 13:08The article is devoted to the prospects of development of the national library activity. The purpose of the article is to determine the ways of library construction. For the first time the original methodology for its development analysis on the basis of supply and demand for library services is proposed. The dynamics of changes in the market of library services in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods is presented. It is shown that the decrease in demand for library services is largely due to the obsolescence of library collections and the inability to meet the information needs of readers.
К вопросу о технологической подготовке бакалавра библиотечно-информационной деятельности
Submitted by Гость (not verified) on Thu, 08/25/2022 - 13:08The article deals with the questions of sufficient back-up of professional competence of bachelors in library science that is formed during educational process, particularly professional, technological and analytical skills that are necessary for the future librarians.
Requirements to the library collection quality in culturological studies of the Russian library researchers
Submitted by Гость (not verified) on Thu, 08/25/2022 - 13:08A cultural approach is widely used in the library science and can be productive for revealing parameters of the library collection quality as a cultural phenomenon. The analysis of scientific publications shows that requirements to the library collection are derived from its culture-saving, classifying, modeling, communicative-educational and culture-creating functions, as well as its protective role in the society.
A systematic review as type of review-analytical products
Submitted by Гость (not verified) on Thu, 08/25/2022 - 13:08In the article the information on a systematic review as a form of analytical production is collected, analyzed and systematized. Characteristics of its main specific features and common ones with that of an analytical review are given, its short history is described. There is an original definition of a systematic review as an analytical product, with a volume of a large scientific article prepared on the basis of the results of a special scientific study, carried out according to special methods and designed to make the right clinical or social decision.
Information-methodological support on regional library sites
Submitted by Гость (not verified) on Thu, 08/25/2022 - 13:08The article is devoted to research of library sites implementing methodological support at the regions. The author analyzes special headings structure, purposes of the regional methodological centers, main directions, forms and methods of library activities. The paper shows efficiency of regional sites and their special headings on different directions of libraries methodological support. A priority is the library staff training and retraining. The model site is proposed, which reveals components and functions of special headings for libraries methodological support.
Reconstructing a musician scientific biography using library science methods (a case of A. I. Ziloti)
Submitted by Гость (not verified) on Thu, 08/25/2022 - 13:08Scientific disciplines integration sometimes leads to unexpected results at the present stage of science development. Research techniques, developed in frames of one science to solve their own problems, occurred to be useful for another one. A representative instance became reconstructing scientific biography of A. I. Ziloti - an outstanding musician of the late ХIХ - early ХХ centuries - based on the library science research methods, in particular, «linear-mine» technique of structuring and presenting personal biographical materials, offered by St. Petersburg scientist M. N.