The purpose of the work: In the previous article on this topic, we considered such areas of digital marketing in the library user services: a) search engine optimization (SEO); b) engagement marketing; c) advertising on social networks. In this article, we will analyze: a) thematic and behavioral advertising; b) retargeting; c) banner, text and video advertising; d) email marketing; e) influence marketing; f) mobile marketing. The research applies the following methods: content analysis, conceptual modeling, comparative analysis, problematization. Conclusions: Because of the fact that the use of digital marketing has not yet become the norm in most libraries and only its individual elements are used, the systematic approach to its application, structuring of its goals, methods and means, and the distribution of duties and responsibilities among employees of the marketing direction are in need. Accordingly, at the present stage of the formation of the digital society, a comparative analysis of different libraries usage of the described digital marketing directions as an important component of phygitalization of library user services is necessary.