The purpose of the article is to present modern methods and peculiarities of information resources collection disclosure in electronic catalogs of scientific-technical libraries. On the example of collections in the electronic catalog of the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Russia (GPSTB of Russia) methods and technologies are shown, which allow to better reveal the collection of scientific and technical library, to provide convenience and personalization of information provision for users. The principles of collections formation in the electronic catalog of GPNTB of Russia based on the capabilities of the library automation system (LAS) IRBIS 128 are described. Considerable attention is paid to the aspects of promotion of the library collection with the help of collections and virtual exhibitions. The possibilities of information search within collections and the principles of selection of editions are noted. On the example of the collection “Works of Shrayberg Yakov Leonidovich”, the algorithm of the collection formation, including aspects of interaction of different library departments in the process of the collection formation is demonstrated step by step. The use of electronic catalog collections as an element of personalization of library and information service of readers is substantiated. The results of the comparative analysis of possibilities of the collections disclosure by means of virtual exhibitions and collections are given. The results of the research have practical significance for library and information specialists, allowing them to better understand and apply modern methods and technologies for organizing and presenting collections of information resources. This contributes to upgrading the quality of service to users and improving the availability of scientific information through the personalization of library and information services, disclosure of the library collection, use of library collections and virtual exhibitions.