One of the key areas of the state policy in the field of scientific and technological development of the country is to create an infrastructure and conditions for conducting research and implementing high-tech technologies. Special attention is given to the development of the scientific and information sphere. The research aims to study the implemented approaches to developing the scientific and information sphere and creation of concept and structure for the navigator on digital scientific and information space of the Ural region. The article analyzes the development of the scientific information sphere in the context of digital transformation. Based on the results obtained, the concept for forming the structure of the digital scientific and information space of the Ural region is developed. The most suitable format for the reference system – a navigator – was chosen as the basis. The analysis and evaluation of existing solutions in the field of formation of navigation systems on digital space of scientific knowledge are carried out. Based on the results obtained and formulated in the task concept, a structure of the navigator for scientific infosphere of the Ural region is developed. The developed navigator will provide aggregation, registration, systematization and accessibility of information about scientific institutions of the Ural region and their information resources in digital space. This will contribute to the dissemination and popularization of research and development results conducted by scientists and research teams in the region.