The author reviews the history and development of the libraries of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society European branches, namely the Caucasusian, North-Western and South-Western. The library network of the Geographical Society branches supported local scientists and researchers in their studies. The libraries were established through the donations made by the members, other individuals and institutions. Apart from the donations, the library collections were developed through the book exchange. The branches’ own publishing practice facilitated the expansion of book exchange relations with other scientific institutions. The European branches of the Geographical Society published periodicals and continuing publications such as “Bulletins”, “News”, and “Reports”. The book exchange was negatively affected by the First World War and revolutionary events, which resulted in almost absolute termination of contacts with foreign scientific societies. The development of libraries of European branches of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society was inextricably linked with contributing individuals and often depended on the selfless and gratuitous work of employees. The libraries of European branches of the Geographical Society proved to be the centers for science promotion, and their extensive book exchange contacts with national and foreign scientific institutions contributed to the creation and development of sustainable scientific communications.