The author knows Andrey I. Zemskov for over 30 years and is captured by his communication style, and his interest toward current issues of library science and documentology. A. Zemskov keeps abreast of Russian literature and regularly reviews foreign publications. His article “The document science – the past, present and the future” (2006) is of particular significance. The author analyzes in detail the interpretation of e-document suggested by A. Zmeskov in cooperation with Y. Shrayberg. A. Zemskov explores in depth the fundamental characteristics of e-documents, their specific types, life cycle and even the cost. Against the interna- tional interpretation of the “document” notion, that enables to expand or to narrow down its content arbitrary, the term “information resources” seems redundant. Moreover, Andrey Zemskov has reduced the notion of “e-library” to two subsystems instead of four. Despite some cleavage in regard to Zemskov’s views, the author recognizes his contribution to documentology and library collection studies. Beside these disciplines, in his papers, A. Zemskov places high emphasis on the key chal- lenges of modern librarianship, in particular on bibliometrics and open access is- sues. Andrey I. Zemskov is a prominent analyst and his views have to be considered. The very discussion on the key theoretical issues evidences on the significance of his reasoning.