The purpose of the article is to introduce new approach to explicate the term of «book». It implicates inter- and transdisciplinary study of accumulated knowledge on the book theory, combined basic schemes and terminological systems in the book theory, documentology and related areas, identification of conflicts and their elimination. The author suggests to use widely the documentoriented terms introduced by Yury N. Stolyarov and Galina N. Shvetsova-Vodka; differentiated modelling and typological classification of documents and other objects to deliver social information to the society; and convergence of their typological and ontological features. These would provide for the unity of theoretical and ontological knowledge but also of taxon and metrological and structural aspects of their theorization. The result of the study is that the «book» term is defined as an astadial unit of activities to provide social information to the society. The book is an information product, significant in its semiotic value and embodied in the form of scrolls, blocks of bound pages, laser, optical discs, records, digital devices for reading, etc.: intended for reading (listening or tactile sensing) and fulfills the function of transmitting knowledge and other semantic content to addressees.