Libraries polycultural activities: terminological aspects
Submitted by Гость (not verified) on Thu, 08/25/2022 - 13:08The libraries polycultural activities are connected with their work in the polycultural environment. The article deals with the terminology used by libraries for this activities, defines these terms. It reveals reasons for the multicultural librarianship appearance in Europe and creation of IFLA Section «Library services to multicultural populations».
The method to determine the value of scientific publications
Submitted by Гость (not verified) on Thu, 08/25/2022 - 13:08The paper analysed cultural and regional conceptions whose principal propositions might be taken into account in studying libraries evolution in Siberia and the Far East.
Using web analytics tools to assess the effectiveness of means for promoting library resources
Submitted by Гость (not verified) on Thu, 08/25/2022 - 13:08This article is devoted to analysis of the technologies effectiveness to promote library resources. The first part explores using web analytics and its tools in the library. The study of existing approaches to choose web metrics allows identifying the following key metrics to assess the effectiveness of the library web site operation: (1) attendance metrics; (2) the metrics of involvement and loyalty; (3) social metrics.
Current trends and new approaches to studying regional literary culture
Submitted by Гость (not verified) on Thu, 08/25/2022 - 13:08The crisis situation in publishing branch and book market, problems of books publishing and spreading, as well as booklore are analysed. Regional aspects of studying book culture are considered.
European books of the XVI century in A. M. Gorky Krasnoyarsk Central Municipal Library
Submitted by Гость (not verified) on Thu, 08/25/2022 - 13:08In accordance with the project «XII.187.1.3. Russian and West European Book of the XV-XIX centuries in the modern Siberia: preservation and study» SB RAS the author carried on a preliminary study of the collections of old-printed European books in two libraries of Krasnoyarsk: the State Universal Scientific Library of Krasnoyarsk Region and A. M. Gorky Central Municipal Library of Krasnoyarsk. The article shows that both libraries obtain European editions of the XVI- XVIII centuries.
The situational education in formation of ecological culture of youth in libraries
Submitted by Гость (not verified) on Thu, 08/25/2022 - 13:08Overcoming the global environmental problems, transition to education informatization are the basic step and driving force of the modern society towards sustainable development and creation of situational centers on the basis of libraries. In the article the application experience of the method of situational training in information and ecological circle BRIZE in Kazan is considered. Its work is directed on formation of ecological culture of youth. The role of the Republican Youth Library of the Republic of Tatarstan in organization of this work is shown.
The Repertoire of Saratov Periodicals
Submitted by Гость (not verified) on Thu, 08/25/2022 - 13:08.
Легенда о земном рае
Submitted by Гость (not verified) on Thu, 08/25/2022 - 13:08In the scientific circulation the text is introduced, that earlier has not attracted researchers' attention - the XVI century treatment of the episode from the Epistles of the Earth paradise by Novgorod Archbishop Vassilij Calica on Novgorod people, who found the paradise on the Earth. The author makes an attempt, basing on indirect evidence to date the creation of the text presented. The text of the legend about Novgorod sailors is given in the Appendix.