Bulbous spring-flowering aromatic plants of Hyacinthus orientalis L. are very popular and in demand on the market, used worldwide for pot and garden culture, cutting, in perfumery and have antitumor and immunomodulatory activity. Despite low winter hardiness, H. orientalis cultivars are cultivated in open ground and in regions with moderate continental climate. The time of flowering, parameters of the above-ground part of generative shoots and bulbs of H. orientalis vary significantly in different soil and climatic conditions. The aim of this work was to establish the flowering dates and comparative morphological parameters of some cultivars of H. orientalis in forcing and in open ground of the Central Non-Chernozem region. The cultivars Blue Jacket, China Pink, Gipsy Princess, Pink Pearl and Rosette were forced in the winter-spring period under laboratory conditions near a window without additional lighting, and then the bulbs were planted in the open ground in the fall. The bulbs used in the experiments were 4–5 cm in diameter. As a result of the studies, the time of the beginning of budding and flowering, duration of flowering of the plants were determined. It was found that the duration of flowering in open ground due to lower average daily air temperature was 16–33 days. This is 2–3 times more than in forcing. The height of plants in all studied H. orientalis cultivars in the conditions of partial shade of open ground exceeded the height of plants in forcing by 14–31% and amounted to 29.7–37.2 cm. The average number of flowers in the inflorescences of the generative shoots in the cultivars varied from 15.5 to 20.0 pieces in forcing and from 7.8 to 9.3 pieces in open ground. In order to increase the intensity of plant growth in forcing and lay the largest number of flowers in the bulbs, it is recommended to control the illumination of plants. Based on the duration of flowering and the ability to renew and reproduce bulbs, we have identified the early flowering cultivars China Pink and Pink Pearl as the most promising for open ground in the Central Non-Chernozem region.