The growing interest of the population in a healthy lifestyle contributes to the rapid growth of consumption of environmentally friendly products. In accordance with the Strategic Plan for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation, one of the priorities in the agricultural sector for the coming years is the transition to high-productive organic agriculture. According to the FIBL Institute, the global organic market is estimated at $230 billion with an annual growth of 7–8%. About 187 countries in the world are involved in the production of organic products. The area of agricultural land used for organic crops was 96.4 million hectares in 2022, and the number of companies with organic status approached 4.5 million. Organic livestock farming is the most important area of organic agriculture, which provides for certain conditions for keeping, breeding and feeding animals using humane methods without the use of synthetic substances, antibiotics and hormonal drugs. In the organic product segment of the Russian Federation, dairy and meat products account for 9%. The volume of organic milk production in Russia in 2021 was at the level of 17,275 tons, or 0.05% of the total volume of milk produced. Higher requirements are imposed on organic producers, and therefore Russian and international standards have been developed regulating all technological processes and the quality of the resulting organic products. According to the Strategy for the Development of Organic Production in the Russian Federation, by 2030 the share of organic products will be 5% of the world agricultural market. Russia has large land and labor resources to increase the production of organic livestock products.