The current conditions of globalization processes have significantly changed consumer behavior in relation to the purchase and consumption of food. This situation encourages market participants to seriously change their approaches to working with consumers, which should be based on the study of consumer pr eferences . At present, this transformation is of particular interest in the main markets, including the market of meat and meat products. This article attempts to study changes in consum er pr eferences for meat and meat products in modern conditions of market transformation. Special attention is focused on such a parameter as product quality. In the course of the study, a method of evaluating the consumer’s decision to purchase meat and meat products was proposed, taking into account the main factors of choice. The survey was conducted in a number of cities of the Russian Federation. During the study it was found out that the concept of product quality is an important aspect in the choice of meat and meat products, although in modern conditions the consumer has begun to pay more and more attention to many criteria of product evaluation before the purchase. The relationship between the income level and the number of significant parameters characterizing the quality of the product is noted. The study also examines the main risk parameters of consumption of meat and meat products by end consumers. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility for the companies operating in this market to create successful marketing strategies and to significantly make the manufactured products of the quality necessary for the consumer.