The purpose of the article is to present the results of the Central Scientific Agricultural Library (CSAL) work for the creation of an online resource navigator on agriculture, food industry, fisheries and forestry, veterinary medicine. The “Navigator for remote network resources on agricultural topics” formed in 2009 by a purpose-built procedure is regularly updated and replenished. It provides general information about sites, that place data on farming, food and processing industry and an inline link to the resource website. In the updating process, sites that stopped working are deleted, information about sites is supplemented and/or updated; annual monitoring of the industry-specific web space is carried out in order to identify new sites on agricultural topics. Russian and foreign sites selected to be included into the Navigator are described. The layout in the navigator is systematic, in accordance with the Specialized Rubricator on Agriculture and Food. This allows the user to find easily the necessary information and the Internet resources for individual agribusiness industries and topics. The resource is presented on the site of CSAL in a free and open accessed data basis, promoting fast and various search.