Along with the centenary of the Institute of Economics and Management in Agribusiness, the Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy celebrated another notable event in 2023: the centenary of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages. On this occasion, the authors decided to look back at the vast methodological experience of their colleagues – both predecessors and contemporaries, to analyse the accumulated practices, development trends, etc. Thus, the authors have made an overview of study, reference and teaching books, academic and scientific papers written by the staff of the Department at different times up to the present day. We studied samples of published litherature related to the disciplines taught at the Department, which are directly available at the subscription desk, in the reading room, as well as in the electronic library system of the Central Scientific Library of the University. The changes in the textbooks over time, as well as their dynamic development and improvement, have been traced in the course of the research. As a result, more than 100 textbooks and manuals created by the teachers of the department and published from 1956 to 2024 were analysed. The authors have observed the valuable background of the Department’s scientific literature, the original approach to the selection and presentation of material in accordance with the study areas. On the other hand, the study packs have been constantly completed and supplemented with new types of skill development tasks, expanding the range of diverse learning resources in line with world trends, developing new teaching methods.