In 2017, a two-factor scientific and production experiment was carried out in the conditions of the Central Black Earth region of Russia in the Voronezh region. The experiment aimed at studying the effectiveness of a new generation of sprayer Amazone UX11200 Isobus as compared with Amazone UX 5200Amaspray using complex tank mixtures. The latter consisted of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and mineral fertilizers, depending on the intensity level of the applied technology and the presence of malicious substances. It was found that the level of spring rapeseed productivity, the main elements of its structure and the degree of their variation were determined in 41% of all cases by controlled environmental factors (homogeneity levels of mineral nutrition and pesticide exposure), 26% - by uncontrolled factors, and 33% - by their interactions. The greatest increases in productivity and oil output per a unit area were noted in the intensive version of Amazone UX Isobus technology and amounted to 2.21 t/ha and 1082 kg/ha, with an increase in the control variant - 21.4% and 21.6%, respectively. The study revealed the influence of precision spraying on reducing the level on the in-field variability of the segetal component of a agrophytocenosis with an intensive cultivation technology (from 26.5% to 12.4%), which increased the efficiency of using the considered tank mixtures to 90-96%. The stabilizing effect, on the average in the experiment, amounted to 206%. The study has established the economic feasibility of using sprayers with GPS Section Control equipment for spatial positioning and variable-rate application of the pesticide spray materials of tank mixtures taking into accout crop density distribution in the agrophytocenosis. The economic efficiency of intensive technology as compared to the conventional one has reduced the use of crop protection products by 5-7%.