The paper provides an analysis of rehabilitation activities on arable and forage lands radioactively contaminated as a result of the Chernobyl accident and evaluates their efficiency. Quality performance of rehabilitation activities ensures stable crop yields and obtaining crop and forage products corresponding to the existing sanitary-hygienic requirements for the content of radionuclides (137Cs and 90Sr). The authors have calculated application rates for mineral and organic fertilizers as well as lime needed to carry out rehabilitation activities for the cultivation of grain crops and potatoes, as well as at the surface and radical improvement of hayfields and pastures on different types of soils, depending on the density of their contamination with 137Cs. The high efficiency of liming acid soils to reduce the intake of radionuclides (especially, radiocaesium) in crop products has been shown. The introduction of lime and other lime materials, depending on the level of pollution and soil acidity, contributes to reducing the intake of radionuclides into crops in 1.5-3.0 times. The paper describes new complex fertilizers Borofoska and Nitroborofoska containing macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium), and the trace element boron, which have shown high efficiency (reduction of 137Cs accumulation in the harvested crop up to 6.8 times) in the Chernobyl accident zone on sod-podzolic soils of light texture. The authors comment on the results of testing a new highly effective organo-mineral fertilizer of a prolonged action based on tripoli - SUPRODIT M - a mixture of a complex sorbent with elements of plant mineral nutrition (N, P, K) enriched with Mg, B and Mo, and an organic component based on peat-containing easily digestible nitrogen and biologically active substances (potassium humates).