The aim ofthe experiments was to evaluate new and promising varieties and hybrids ofspring grain crops of domestic and foreign selection and to identify the most adapted ones to the conditions of the Kaluga region. In the experiments, traditional methods of field tests were used. As a result of the research, it has been revealed that on average for three years, the biological yield of wheat grain was up to 2.8-4.5 t/ha on gray forest soils. The highest yield grain was observed in the КВС 655-310 variety and the variety of Kaliksonemetsky selection, and the domestic variety of Voronezhskaya-18. The biological grain yield of spring barley was 3.4-5.01 /ha. The Tango variety of Dutch selection and the domestic varieties of Arshin and Nadezhniy also showed distinguished features. The yield of oats grain was within 2.7-4.9 t/ha. The highest yield was observed in the domestic Fristail variety. Agrometeorological conditions during the years of research had a significant influence on grain yield and crop structure of the studied crops and varieties. The most favorable for the production process of spring cereal crops was the vegetation period of the year 2015, which was characterized by excess heat, sufficient soil moisture in the beginning of the growing season and insufficient moisture in the end of it.