An urgent task for dairy cattle breeding is to study the genetic structure of the population by polymorphic systems, which serves as one of the elements of genetic monitoring. Based on the analysis of new methods for assessing the genotypes of animals, it is advisable not only to increase the total amount of protein, but also to increase individual qualitative indicators of protein-milk content. The purpose of the research is to study the occurrence frequency of the Bola-DRB3 gene alleles in sire bulls of the Holstein breed. Based on the analysis, it was noted that out of ten alleles of the Bola-DRB3 gene, in which a relationship was established with milk productivity indicators, the highest occurrence frequency of was observed in allele 22 (25.2%), and the lowest in alleles 10 and 26 (2%). Analysis of the assessment of sire bulls by the quality of offspring with sensitive (S), neutral (N) and resistant (R) groups of alleles showed that bulls having the sensitive alleles of the Bola-DRB3 gene featured higher evaluation rates.