Sweet-berry honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L) is a promising berry crop that can be marketed throughout the summer due to the diversity of cultivars with different ripening periods. The area occupied by honeysuckle in Russia is 700 hectares. To increase industrial plantations, it is necessary to provide farms with high-quality planting material. One of the ways of obtaining seedlings is through wood cuttings. The aim of our work is to select a root formation stimulator for woody honeysuckle cuttings. The experiment was carried out in the Moscow region. The honeysuckle cultivars “Volkhova”, “Nimfa” and “Pavlovskaya” and the preparations “Kornevin” and “EcoFus” were used as research objects. The experience is presented in four variants, with 100 cuttings in each variant. Two-factor analysis of variance showed no influence of cultivar characteristics on the rooting of cuttings, root volume, the number and length of shoots in seedlings. The rooting percentage of the cultivars varied from 73 to 81%, root volume (4.12–4.64 ml), number (2.63–2.81 pcs) and shoot length (4.32–6.16 cm) also differed insignificantly. A significant effect of the growth regulators on the traits studied was observed. The best development of the above-ground and underground parts of seedlings was observed with the combined application of the preparations “Kornevin” and “EcoFus”, and the rooting ability was also at a high level (81%), which indicates the feasibility of using the studied preparations. According to the results of other studies on such crops as balsam, gloxinia and cyclamen, the effectiveness of using the “EcoFus’ preparation has been proven. The number of leaves increased by 35–40% depending on the plant species. Studies on the combined use of the preparations “Zircon”, “Siliplant” and “EcoFus” showed a positive effect on the vegetative reproduction and productivity of wild garlic. The preparations “Siliplant”, “EcoFus”, and “Cytovit” showed high efficiency on the yield of the grape cultivars “Ranniy Magaracha” and “Karaburnu”. The rooting of forsythia cuttings with “EcoFus” showed negative results. In this experiment, the multiplication factor could be affected by the concentration of the preparation and the duration of exposure, as the green cuttings have unripened tissues, that could have a negative effect. It is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of the culture itself. Further research is needed in this area.