The subject search in natural languages is the most difficult one due to phraseological ambiguities. To solve the problem, the information systems mobilize the terms in controlled dictionaries, e. g. thesauruses. The authors examine the classifications, thesauruses, subject headings, normative (authority) files within the context of the open networked space of the Linked Open Data environment (LOD). These links enable to enhance (complement) user queries with the words from other dictionaries, and to navigate through the other libraries’ systems for the resources. The authors explore the possibility of practical application of EUROVOC and GEMET thesauruses to expand search queries initiated by the users of RNPLS&T’s Single Open Information Archive (SOIA), Portal of Electronic Library (PEL) of the Parliamentary Library of the RF Federal Assembly and the thematic database “Ecology: Science and technologies”, which records could be potentially linked. The authors cite the study findings and characterize the problems revealed. The article is prepared within the framework of the Government Order “Information support of scientific research of scientists and specialists on the basis of the RNPLS&T Open Archive as the scientific knowledge aggregation system, (FNEG-2022-003)” for the years 2022–2024.