The article pr esents resear ch materials on the unconventional berry culture of the golden currant ( Ribes aureum Pursh, subgenus Symphocalyx Berl ., family . Gr ossulariaceae DC. ) obtained in the condi tions of the Bashkir Urals on the basis of the Kushnar enkovsky Br eeding Center for fruit and berry crops and grapes of Ufa Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the period 2020–2022. Golden currant varieties Venera , Zarina, Lyaysan, Nakhodka, Fatima, Shafak and various selected forms, characterized by edible fruits with good taste, were cultivated on the experimental plot according to the scheme 3 by 1 m under rainfed conditions. Biochemical analysis and tasting were carried out at the stage of biological ripeness of the fruits during harvesting, using guidelines for fruit and berry crops. According to the results of the three-year research into the content of biologically active substances in golden currant berries, the following varieties are recommended as sources for breeding with high sugar content – varieties Fatima, Venera, form 2–86; with high content of dry soluble substances – varieties Nakhodka, Venera, Fatima, forms 2–80, 2–86, 3–20; with high content of ascorbic acid – varieties Fatima, Zarina, Venera, Nakhodka, form 2–86. The results of the conducted research of all the studied varieties and selected forms provide a detailed understanding of the chemical composition of golden currant, which can be used in breeding to improve the quality of the fruit, including increasing the sugar and vitamin C content.