The article presents the results of the development of growth models forecasting the yield of spring wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. ) Lubava based on the value of empirical sowing parameters obtained in the early stages of plant development, the predicted thermal resources of the growing season of the current year and the efficiency coefficients of the preparation Ecobiosphere B in the experimental field of the Kostroma State Agricultural Academy ( Kostroma District, Kostroma Region ) . It was found that the humic complex Ecobiosphere B influenced the development of T. aestivum L. Lubava, shortening the interphase period in the middle of the growing season by seven days in comparison with the control ( untreated ) plants. The heat capacity of the phenological development phases was calculated, which made it possible to predict the calendar dates of the phenological development phases, from the sowing date to harvest maturity, based on the forecast of the heat resource for the current year. Simulation-dynamic growth models of seasonal prediction of phytometric parameters, adjusted to the efficiency of consumption rate and frequency of application of the humic complex Ecobiosphere B as a regulator of growth and development, worked with the following accuracy: 0.5 L/t seed + 0.5 L/ha in the tillering phase of Ecobiosphere B: plant height – 98.32%, mass of phytoorgans at 13% humidity: ground active phytomass – 95.1%, leaves – 83.54%, stem – 91.08%, ear elements – 87.23%, fruits – 98.24%; 1.0 L/t seed + 1.0 L/ha in the tillering phase of Ecobiosphere B: plant height – 98.47%, mass of phytoorgans at 13% humidity: ground active phytomass – 87.5%, leaves – 64 .57%, stem – 85.46%, ear elements – 61.09%, fruits – 96.11%. The models will provide the ability to predict plant productivity and yield of T. aestivum L. The models will make it possible to predict plant productivity and yield of T. aestivum L. Lubava under production conditions at least 80–90 days before harvest maturity and, if necessary, to adjust the cultivation technology during the growing season in order to increase the economic efficiency of production.