The study of morphometric features of the body and the establishment of relationships between them is the basis for the selection of American minks (Neovison vison). In this regard, the study of body parameters and identifying correlations with significant selection indicators are of practical importance. At the same time, such a morphological indicator as chest girth has not practically been studied. After examining the carcasses (after skinning) of female Hedlund minks (h/h), Pastel (b/b), Scanblack (N/N, N/n) (20 animals of each genotype) slaughtered at the age of 7.5 months, the researchers found that their average weight does not have significant differences and ranges from 834.0±21.85 to 891.3±13.33 g. At the same time, the body length of Pastel minks is 40.4±0.38 cm, which is reliably 1.2 cm larger than Headlund and Scanblack. The girth of the chest behind the shoulder blades (OGZL) has significant differences and is 13.5±0.17 cm for Headlunds, 14.7±0.13 cm for Pastels, and 14.2±0.21 cm for Scanblack, as well as chest girth along the last rib (OGPR) which is 17.5±0.16 cm, 19.7±0.20 cm and 18.6±0.29 cm, respectively. According to the formula: Krgk = (OGZL + (OGPR-OGZL) / DG x 10) / OGZL, where DG is the length of the thoracic spine, we found that this indicator does not have significant breed differences and is within 1.21±0.01-1.23±0.01. At the same time, Krgk negatively correlates with body weight and length. In females of all studied genotypes, Krgk was in the range from 1.15 to 1.31, while the more significant the coefficient value, the more pronounced the “triangle " of body expansion. Thus, the researchers deduced the following correspondences - females whose Krgk value is close to 1.15-1.19 belong to the coarse type of constitution, females with intermediate values 1.21-1.24 - to the strong type, accordingly, and 1.27-1.31 - to tender.