The authors review the principles and technologies of information retrieval systems implemented in Russia and abroad, with special attention to the function of e-library and interactive selective information dissemination. The main project aim is to build single comfortable information retrieval space integrating full-text abstracts, bibliographic resources legally acquired, structured and offered by SB RAS State Public Scientific and Technological Library. Based on the analysis of user search behavior of the Library’s information retrieval system based on IRBIS WEB-module and of the functional distinctions between IRBIS64+ and IRBIS WEB-module, the authors review the demands to contemporary e-catalogs and e-libraries, parameters of new information retrieval system, and stages of its implementation. The new information retrieval system based on IRBIS64+ WEB-module will provide access to all resources comprising literature in-flow to the Library with significant search potential, and guarantee their comfortable use by various user groups. IRBIS64+ WEB-module in the Library’s information retrieval system will provide searching in full-texts, and enable to make queries using Boolean logics, to setup distance between words, to rank search results, and to specify them with faceted navigation. The users will be also offered to use thematic search by navigators (GRNTI, thematic navigators of databases). The e-library is to provide open access to information resources of RAS SB SPSTL, eLIBRARY, and other open resources. The digital collections are to preserve printed original copies, which is important for old and rare publications.